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New York Art Quartet - Revisited

New York Art Quartet
About this album

If you buy the whole Digital Album you will get the booklet (as PDF-file) including liner notes as bonus. Dear customers: in several countries Bandcamp has to add local taxes (VAT, MWSt) to the price above. Line Up track #1-4: Roswell Rudd - trombone John Tchicai - alto saxophone Lewis Worrell - double bass Milford Graves - percussion Leroi Jones - recitation on #2 Line Up track #5-9: Roswell Rudd - trombone John Tchicai - alto saxophone Reggie Workman - double bass Milford Graves - percussion “If we just could have hung on for another year,” Rudd said of both NYAQ and the Jazz Composers Guild, “things could have turned out much differently. Things were about to flip, in a good way. A lot of government programs were starting up that we could have gotten grants from. There was a change in perception about the music that was happening. People were starting to consider it as art. The music was moving out of the bars and coffee houses and into museums and concert halls. But, the Guild lasted long enough to inspire musicians to organize. The Guild laid the groundwork for similar organizations here in America and in Europe – what happened in Holland is a good example. We were just a little ahead of the times.” (Bill Shoemaker) Recorded 1964 / 1965 in New York City

November 25, 2023


1. Short 08:22 2. Sweet / Black Dada Nihilismus. 11:59 3. Rosmosis 14:47 4. No. 6 (1964) 08:07 5. Rufus 3rd 06:40 6. Mohawk 04:44 7. Banging On The White House 09:12 8. No. 6 (1965) 06:17 9. Everything Happens To Me 06:38

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